SeaDoo Winterization

Lake of the Ozarks SeaDoo PWC Winterization

For expert winterization on any SeaDoo, please complete the Winterization Form below. Please note the travel fee on the below maps, you can save 50% of the travel fee when including a friend or neighbor that is a few miles away.

Starting service on April 15th, click here to schedule De-Winterize Service in Lake Ozark. Click here for SeaDoo mobile repair service in Lake Ozark.

We have PWC winterizing at the shop and mobile dock-side service, it is recommended to schedule if you have a preferred date. The shop price is $100 per SeaDoo and requires about 20-minutes, see below pricing for dock side service. The battery is disconnected as part of the service, however, there is a $25 charge to pull the battery and move to another location. There is a $50 charge if required to move the PWC out of the garage for service and a $25 charge if a trailer is required such as a driveway with a very steep slope.

If you would like to bring your jet ski to the shop, in most cases, we can have you in and out in 15 minutes!  We just ask that you please call and confirm with us before heading our way.

When completing the below form, please be sure to accurately describe where the key is placed, appropriate door code used for door entry, dock & slip numbers and any information we need to access the PWC jet ski.

ACCESS. Ensure there is complete and safe access to the PWC jet ski for the purpose of winterizing. An additional $50 fee may apply in the event of access issues such as locked gates, mean dogs, broken rotting dock boards or other hazards. Please walk from parking to ski and advise of any concerns. If we can not reasonably access the ski, the travel fee will still be applied and invoiced.

$100 for drive-in service and $150 plus travel fee for dock service.

  • Start the SeaDoo spraying fog oil into the intake until exhaust becomes smoky, less than 30-seconds. We do not over heat the motor, but the more fog oil the better.
  • Pull the spark plugs out, spray fog oil into each cylinder for 15 seconds, then turn the SeaDoo motor for half a second to move the pistons up and down. Put the spark plugs in.
  • With freezing winter weather ahead, we flush all water out of the cooling system and ad some anti freeze back to the system. If water freezes in the SeaDoo motor, it can crack the block and cylinders.
  • We disconnect the battery and recommended that DIY owners pull the battery and charge at 2-amps or below once a month until taking the SeaDoo out for the first run of the year.
  • Add a cap of fuel stabilizer in the gas tank, ¼ of what the bottle tells you to use.

Fabulous service again this morning! I drove over there at 9 o’clock to drop my Seadoo’s off to get winterized. I didn’t even disconnect from the car and was out of there in 30 minutes fully winterized. If you’re looking for great service on your SeaDoo, call Jess at Westside Powersports. A month and a half ago I called him on a Sunday and they called me back. I dropped off my GTX the next morning and he had it fixed and ready to go within 24 hours.”  Mike Monahan

Jess (573) 473-2366
[email protected]

Westside Powersports
14678 Keepsake Road
Gravois MIlls, MO 65037​


winterize winterization

Request Winterization

Please complete the below form for winterization by Westside Powersports. By clicking “Submit”, you are authorizing access to the property and agree to a non-refundable travel fee.

    New BatteryOil ChangeSpark Plugs


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