SeaDoo MPEM Test Repair

MPEM Testing, Repair and New Sales.

seadoo mpem testingSince 2004, Westside Powersports is your one stop shop for everything SeaDoo MPEM testing, repair and replacement with Dess key programming for any SeaDoo MPEM  ECU, LCD, ECM, VCM 1988 to present. We provide the fastest turnaround you can find! Most times we test, repair and return ship MPEMs on the very next day. We get busy during the summer, so it’s best to have service done during the off season.

MPEM Dess Programming: We own a Programmer and have harnesses to program any MPEM (boat or PWC) without needing the entire machine. That means you can ship the MPEM and we’ll test, Dess key program one or multiple MPEM’s to the same key. We also check info, hours and set the timing setting on all 787’s and more.

mpem testing mpem repair

MPEM Pricing: Unfortunately due to fluctuations in availability of MPEMs, MPEM parts and options, we can not list a price for each MPEM. Please call Nick or Jess to get your specific SeaDoo MPEM price.

Time and time again, aftermarket MPEM garbage. We get service calls on aftermarket MPEMs not running. Please hear us out, even when used, it’s OEM OEM OEM which is 1000% better than aftermarket MPEMs.

PLEASE NOTE: Westside Powersports has the right to refuse a refund on all electronic components when functioning perfectly and returned without a problem. Specifically, this note applies to the purchase of an MPEM, ECU, LCD and IBR. Most industries do not allow the return of electronics because each component is tested, programmed and verified. We please ask that our company not be used to purchase a product with the full intention of returning. All of our electronic components contain an internal ID required for a return.

MPEM Bench testing: Many shops and dealers blame the MPEM and try to sell you a new one or expensive part. SeaDoo didn’t sell equipment for testing, so it’s more of a trial and error operation. Also, many MPEMs will not work on 2-Stroke engines, we can’t tell you how many times we have saved customers from allowing a shop to make this costly mistake!

mpem testing mpem repair

When shipping your MPEM, please include:
*completed MPEM Form or info written on paper.
*for 2002 and newer models, Picture of the Title, print or email.
*purchase insurance and tracking ID.
*include packaging to prevent movement or part damage.
*we are not responsible for lost or damaged parts.

Jess (573) 473-2366
[email protected]
Westside Powersports
Jess Cairns
14678 Keepsake Road
Gravois MIlls, MO 65037​

Nick (612) 743-9311
[email protected]
Westside Powersports
Nick Cairns
17030 Prospect Place
Wayzata, MN 55391

seadoo mpem seadoo mpem repair

MPEM Conversions

Do you have a 1988 to present SeaDoo and having trouble replacing the MPEM? Your not alone because SeaDoo changes every model and every model making them hard to come and when you do, some can cost nearly $2000.

Here, you find a great alternative! We convert it over which is much easier than finding a new MPEM. This is cheaper than replacing the MPEM and if you have future issues, it is much easier to replace. Also, twin engine SeaDoo models use two MPEMs, which means if an issue arises with the ignition on one motor, you only need to replace one MPEM. Riders have dealt with ignition issues on 1995, 1996 and 1997 Challenger 1800, it’s more common than it should be and know that having them separate means not replacing the entire expensive module.

The conversion is easy, just about anyone can install to get the SeaDoo up and running with this conversion in as little as 10-minutes. No wiring is needed for installation, connectors match up to replacement MPEMs, so if there is a problem, it is a Plug And Play replacement solution.

Warning: There is one down side to the conversion and that is the neutral safety switch must be bypassed to complete the conversion. We cannot be held liable in any way for accidents due to bypassing the neutral safety switch. On the SeaDoo Challenger 1800, the low fuel warning system is also disabled.

NOTE: We only convert 1997 and older SeaDoo MPEMs. Panel style MPEM models 1998 and newer can not be converted due to SeaDoo’s proprietary 26-Pin connectors. If your good at cutting, splicing and connecting wire, buy the SeaDoo grey style E boxes and we’ll provide support to get the job done, but it’s not easy.

facebook googleJess (813) 363-9074
[email protected]

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[email protected]

Click here for info on Ski-Doo Snowmobile Dess Key Programming.

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